Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 Savefile Converter
Convert from (put your original savefile here):
Convert to (put your empty savefile here):
Usage Instructions
- For this example, let's assume you want to convert an existing EGS KH2 savefile to Steam. Start a new game on Steam and make sure an empty KHIIFM_WW.png appears in the save location.
- After you have located both your EGS savefile and your Steam savefile, put the EGS savefile on top and the Steam one on the bottom.
- Press Convert. Your Steam savefile with EGS saveslots should now have been downloaded! Put it where you originally found the Steam savefile and you should be good to go.
- If some error appears, make sure to read the error properly. Also make sure your file is not renamed in any way and shows up as the game creates them.
Note: Do not create the "empty" files manually in the explorer.